Barbie: Star Light Adventure Plot (with Comments)

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away...
Barbie has explored many worlds and careers but none more "out there" than Para-Den, the strange alien planet where a girl named Barbie (Again? Just Rename It to Andrea or Stella Instead!) lives with her father and her flying pet, Pupcorn. (Puns!)
But something is not right in Barbie's galaxy. One by one the stars are going out an no one seems to know why.Of course, no one is more surprised than Barbie when she is chosen by King Constantine to join a special mission to make the stars dance once again. Along with Prince Leo, hover board champion Sal-Lee (Sounds like a Chinese Name) and the colorful twins Kareena & Sheena, (Let's Rename it to R2-D2 and C3PO, Respectively.) Barbie must solve the mystery of the creatures known as "Whailens" (What? A Whale & Alien Hybrid?) and find a way to bring the starlight back before the stars stop dancing forever.

Okay, That sounds Crazy. Star Light Adventure is a Hybrid of Star Wars and Back to the Future. The Movie features Hover boards, Robots, and Sci-Fi Fantasy. This Upcoming Film will Release this Fall 2016. 

Of All the Chinese Words, Puns and Rhymes...